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1998 Oakland Raiders Jon Gruden Offensive Playbook

$50 PDF Download

This is the 1998 Oakland Raiders Offensive Football Playbook of over 200 pages available for a $50 download or $99 bound hardcopy, priority mailed.   The 1998 Raiders were Jon Gruden's first Raiders team he directed.  Your PDF download begins when you finish placing your order for the Football Playbook.  Sometimes it opens beneath all windows; minimize all to get down to your desktop.   Email if you do not immediately receive notice of your PDF file downloading after your purchase. 

Hardcopy Purchase (US Mail) $99.95+$12.95 Priority Shipping

You are going to want to save the PDF file for yourself if you are a fan of the Raiders, or a coach, or a player of Madden because it will really teach you a lot about the inner working of football in general. 

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